Voices from the trans community

244. Voices from the trans community

I was honored to have this Facebook live conversation with three incredible women to celebrate Pride month back in June.

Dr. Davis was a professor and administrator at universities in both Canada and the United States teaching biomechanics and anatomy. She is also a founding member of the Trans Chorus of Los Angeles.
After attempting to transition in the early 1990s, Dr. Davis was forced to detransition having lost her job and in order to find work to support her children.
Dr. Davis made her final transition in 2015 having gender affirmation surgery in 2016 and has since lived as her authentic self.

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Kelly Sue

129. Kelly Sue DeConnick is a Deadly writer

Kelly Sue DeConnick is a writer of comics and an all-around fabulous person. Some of her titles include BITCH PLANET, PRETTY DEADLY, AQUAMAN, & CAPTAIN MARVEL. She is best known for rebranding Carol Danvers’ as Captain Marvel. In fact, the portrayal of Captain Marvel you see in the films can be traced back to Kelly Sue’s version of her character.

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