354. Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah on Chain-Gang All-Stars

I read Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah this year and was blown away. I rarely post my reading list to social media, but when I did, he was kind enough to respond. There are certain books that leave you with strong feelings. Chain-Gang All-Stars is one of these books. Nana writes in way that is both captivating and sends a deeper message.

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350. Machu Picchu, aliens and stream of consciousness

Oscar and I have just returned from Machu Picchu and share some highlights of the trip. Plus, more of Oscar asks me anything where we delve into the philosophy of excellence versus consistency, the Barbie movie, and more!

I always love these conversations with Oscar and for those that tune into YouTube we have now decided to stretch and work on mobility while conversing in case you are interested in watching us online.

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321. My birthday, AAPI history bill and advocacy

My birthday, AAPI history bill and advocacy

Happy birthday to me! In time for Lunar New Year, HB 287 and SB 294 were filed in Florida on January 19, 2023. I’ve been working on this bill for almost 2 years now. It’s been a process.

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