349. Spencer Ackerman on Waller vs Wildstorm

Spencer Ackerman is back on the show discussing his comic book debut: Waller vs Wildstorm. As a fan of comics, it was fun to see how Spencer brings his journalism expertise to the comics medium.

Spencer shares his thoughts on the comics creative process and collaboration. It was also fascinating to hear his take on writing his first comic book as a musician. We discuss the pacing of the pages in reference to music and he breaks down the rhythm of the book like drum rudiments. So much fun!

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Spencer Ackerman

255. Spencer Ackerman on the Reign of Terror, Haiti, and comics

Spencer Ackerman has been a national-security correspondent for outlets like The New Republic, WIRED, The Guardian, and currently The Daily Beast for nearly the entire War on Terror.
He is the author of the new acclaimed book REIGN OF TERROR: HOW THE 9/11 ERA DESTABILIZED AMERICA AND PRODUCED TRUMP.  As the former U.S. national security editor for the Guardian, Ackerman was part of the Pulitzer Prize-winning team reporting on Edward Snowden’s surveillance revelations.

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