354. Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah on Chain-Gang All-Stars

I read Chain-Gang All-Stars by Nana Kwame Adjei-Brenyah this year and was blown away. I rarely post my reading list to social media, but when I did, he was kind enough to respond. There are certain books that leave you with strong feelings. Chain-Gang All-Stars is one of these books. Nana writes in way that is both captivating and sends a deeper message.

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Jonathan Marrs

105. Jonathan Marrs on indie filmmaking

Today I chat with documentary filmmaker and photographer, Jonathan Marrs.  Over the years, his journeys throughout the world have solidified his interest in photography and filmmaking. In particular, his trips to Nepal and Thailand throughout his twenties taught him the influence of images and stories on worldviews.  We discuss these in depth as well as the lens through which he sees the world today.

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