Ed Brubaker

258. Ed Brubaker on writing, comics, and tv shows

Ed Brubaker needs no introduction to comic book fans. Ed is one of the most acclaimed writers in comics, having won the Eisner and Harvey Awards for Best Writer five times, among others.

Ed shares his inspiration writing Pulp, Reckless, Friday, and Gotham Central. It was fascinating to hear his origin story on how he discovered comics and when his love for writing began.

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Kelly Sue

129. Kelly Sue DeConnick is a Deadly writer

Kelly Sue DeConnick is a writer of comics and an all-around fabulous person. Some of her titles include BITCH PLANET, PRETTY DEADLY, AQUAMAN, & CAPTAIN MARVEL. She is best known for rebranding Carol Danvers’ as Captain Marvel. In fact, the portrayal of Captain Marvel you see in the films can be traced back to Kelly Sue’s version of her character.

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