Patti Brigham

227. Patti Brigham on voter suppression and equality

Patti Brigham is a grassroots leader and coalition builder, and the president of the League of Women Voters of Florida. In 2016, in the days following the mass shooting at the Pulse Nightclub in Orlando, Patti partnered with former LWVFL President Pam Goodman to form the Florida Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence, which now includes more than 100 organizational partners.

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Kelly Sue

129. Kelly Sue DeConnick is a Deadly writer

Kelly Sue DeConnick is a writer of comics and an all-around fabulous person. Some of her titles include BITCH PLANET, PRETTY DEADLY, AQUAMAN, & CAPTAIN MARVEL. She is best known for rebranding Carol Danvers’ as Captain Marvel. In fact, the portrayal of Captain Marvel you see in the films can be traced back to Kelly Sue’s version of her character.

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Charlie Beale

90. Charlie Beale, artistic director of the NYC Gay Men’s Chorus

Charlie Beale is the Artistic Director of New York City Gay Men’s Chorus.  Under his energized leadership, the chorus has almost 300 singers, performs with a passionate sound, and has an interactive style with audiences.  Charlie gives frequent clinics and workshops internationally, focusing on the transforming power of music. Today, we chat about his work with the NYC GMC and the unique connection for the LGBT community he creates through music and song.

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